Free trademark search tool in Turkey. If your trademark is available, our Turkish attorneys will file and process your trademark registration in Turkey. Sistem Patent has created an online Turkish trademark database and made them accessible to the everyone through their websites. We provide you, valued customers, with the service of trademark investigation, using its own software and database. You may search with brand names on sector or brand classes.
Türk Patent ve Marka Kurumu 24. Danışma Kurulu Toplantısı. The company is located in Ankara close to Turkish Patent Office. Obtain trademark registration in Turkey. Inside, find general advice, prices and the requirements to apply for a trademark in Turkey.
Trademarker stealing clients money. European Patent Office - Patent offices of member states: This page of the IP webguide contains links to the websites of the patent offices of the member states. The IPI is the Swiss authority for trade mark , patent and design protection and for questions on indications of source and copyright. Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas OEPM. Este sitio web utiliza cookies propias para ofrecer un mejor servicio.
Si continúa navegando consideramos que acepta. Over 10Worldwide Offices. No matter how complex your case is we have the solution for you. With the help of the on-line system of the TPTO, whole process for trademarks – from filing to getting the registration certificate – has been. All applications are officially recorded asto filing date, hour and minute and the official notice of filing number is issued at the time of filing the trademark application.
In Turkey, trademark protection is granted according to the provisions of the Decree-Law No. Governmental agency of Turkey which grants patents for inventions, registers trademarks , designs, geographical indications. It provides education and training programs to increase respect for intellectual and industrial property ownership. A mark includes words, logos, pictures, names.
Type of organisation or service: National IP office. Information and Service hub for patents, trademarks and designs. The Austrian Patent office is the government institution for the protection of intellectual property. To narrow down your , use smart search and the query expansion function or search within.
Use the Sort feature to reorder your. Refer to Help for difficult patent terms. Norwegian Industrial Property Office registers trademarks , designs and patents in Norway. A trademark functions as a kind of distinctive symbol on the market.
Read more about trademarks. Apply to register your trademark online. Object moved to here. Moroccan Office of Industrial and Commercial Property.
If no application is filed within said perio a grace period of months is allowed with a payment of a surcharge. Intellectual Property Office Home Page. A date range may be used to refine your search by selecting available office actions (file advertise registered or inactivated).
If you do not wish to restrict your search by selecting an action, select all from the drop-down menu.
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